  • RU
  • “Russia: Far from Black and White”


    A major new exhibition by Barry Cawston, supported by Art-centre Exposed and presented at the Marble Palace of the Russian Museum in Saint Petersburg.

    In the accompanying book, printed in Italy and published by Palace Editions, Saint Petersburg, the Head of the Modern Photography sector of the Russian Museum, Svetlana Zinchenko, comments as follows: “This exhibition and book are the results of Barry Cawston’s acquaintance with Russia and, equally important, are a chance of a new acquaintance with it for all of us. The photographer allows the Russian viewer the opportunity to see their own land, the cities and villages, the people and vast spaces, through the eyes of a genuinely interested person”.

    In a separate article for the book, Ken Climie, the General Director of Art-centre Exposed, writes: “The sheer size and scale of Russia leaves much more to explore; nonetheless in their totality Cawston’s images reflect many different sides of this complex and fascinating country…where old and new sit alongside one another, sometimes in perfect harmony, sometimes in uneasy alliance”.

    The exhibition featured 55 framed photographs created between 2014 and 2018, and ran from 26 September to 04 November 2019.